You can stun npc which you don't like 😁 or household sim. After your sim stun other sim, they will be shocked, faint, and receive dazed buff. Stun gun can be found at buy mode, but you must buy stun gun at home lot and not in public lot because, if you buy stun gun at public lot, the weapon can't be taken into sim inventory. There 2 interaction from this mod like "stun sim" and "Quick stun sim". Interaction appear if you put stun gun at your sim inventory. Sorry for my english writte. I'm still learning.😁
- This mod require werewolves game pack
- Also, if you stun werewolf sim, their fury will be loss and temperament become gone.
- Find stun gun using buy mode search box and type "Gurugugnola stun gun"
Known issue
- When sim faint because of stun gun, the stun light effect still appear on their body and effect disappear when sim wake up.
- Gurugugnola for stun gun mesh at sketchfab
- Sims4studio and blender
- Mixamo animation
- Thepancake1 animation tools
Youtube video of this mod
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