Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Sims 4 Arcade Room Fanmade Pack


This pack contain 9 funtional objects, 11 basic objects, 2 walls, and 8 new clothes (3 masculine, 3 feminine, 2 child) you can check the GIF and in game pictures below. This pack collaboration of cepzid and hakrarb

Functional arcade list
- Slot machine, can be used by adult sim
- Wheel of fortune, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Arcade basketball, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Gumball machine, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Spin and win, can be used by adult sim
- Claw machine, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Smack gnome, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Kick it pro, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Pinball machine, can be used by adult and kids sim
- Skee ball, can be used by adult and kids sim

1.For slot machine
- Begineer (cost §500) if your sim win, they gain §5000 simoleons. This option have %60 change of win.
- Intermediate (cost §1000) if your sim win, they gain §10000 simoleons. This option have %50 change of win.
- Advance (cost §5000) if your sim win, they gain §50000 simoleons. This option have %30 change of win.
- JACKPOT CHALLENGE (cost §10000) if your sim win, they gain §1000000 simoleons. This option have %20 change of win also very hard sim get win.

2.For claw machine
Rare prize list (cost $3 simoleon) and 30% change win
- Laptop
- The slablet
- Expensive violin
- Special guitar
Common prize list (cost $2 simoleon) and 50% change win
- Mysims trophy
Uncommon prize list (cost $1 simoleon) and 60% change win
- Any children toys

3.For skee ball
Sim gain fun and list prize if sim win play skee ball:
- Level 1 earn prize like any children toys
- Level 2 earn prize of bun bun stuffed animal
- Level 3 earn prize like toddler tablet
- Level 4 earn prize like sim getting tablet
- Level 5 earn prize like acoustic guitar
- Level 6 earn prize like sim have portable laptop
- Level 7 earn prize like sim have §15000 violin
Difficult level
- Level 1 win change %80
- Level 2 win change %70
- Level 3 win change %60
- Level 4 win change %50
- Level 5 win change %40
- Level 6 win change %30
- Level 7 win change %20

4.For Kick it pro
Sim gain fitness skill, motor skill(kids) and fun

5. For arcade basketball
Sim gain fitness skill, motor skill(kids) and fun

6.For smack gnome
Sim gain fun
7. For gumball machine
Sim gain fun and hunger

8.For pinball machine
Sim gain fun

9.For spin and win
List number of target sim get prize
- Spin target at 60 earn prize like easel and camera
- Spin target at 80 earn prize like guitar and violin
- Spin target at 1000 earn prize like any gadget
Sometime if sim fail at target 60 or 1000 will be stop at 20 and earn prize like any children toys, and sim fail at target 80 will be stop at 40 and earn prize like my sims statue

10.For wheel of fortune
List colors of target sim get prize
- Blue color, if wheel stop at this color sim receive some laptop, if fail, the wheel stop at pink color and receive any children toys 
- Green color, if wheel stop at this color sim receive §50000 simoleons, if fail, the wheel stop at red color and just nothing that make sim angry
- Yellow color, if wheel stop at this color sim receive §5000, if fail, the wheel stop at navy color and and just nothing that make sim sad
- Purple color, if wheel stop at this color sim receive tablet, if fail, the wheel stop at pink color and receive any children toys 
- Orange color, if wheel stop at this color sim receive §10000, if fail, the wheel stop at navy color and and just nothing that make sim sad

Category of all functional object:
- Indoors Object
- Price §900 - §3300  simoleons
- Can be used by adult and kids sims, except kids can't used spin win and slot machine.

- French by kimikosoma
- Spanish by CindySimspr

- Sims4studio
- Blender
- S3pe and s3oc
- soundtool by denton

Download Public While Time
Download Early Access (will be public at 30 january)

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  1. Can you make a functional pool table?

  2. Love this! Used in my bowling alley!

  3. Hi! I just downloaded this pack and I can't seem to find the arcade games? All of the furniture and outfits are there but I can't find the games. :( I checked everywhere. Is there a way to fix this?

    1. I downloaded the same stuff but used this link

      make sure u download all 3 of the files, hope this helped. x

  4. I downloaded your Arcade Room Mod with functional objects but unfortunately the files seems to be broken. :-( Would be great if you could fix it. <3

  5. got them all downloaded individually months ago Just checking to see if I was missing anything THANK YOU all are working fine

  6. Hi I've download all the file in Arcade Room Fanmade Pack, but I still can't find the arcade game. Is there anything I can do?
